Lottery Numbers Manager

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Lottery Numbers is a management feature of lottery numbers where you can update, edit or check lottery numbers of your games.
We use the term 'lottery numbers' instead of 'lottery drawings'. lottery drawings is the word used in English language but, for example in other languages it may be misunderstood for lottery draw something on the paper with a pen.

This is an additional feature


Using this feature, you can:

1.Download all lottery numbers from our server and update games.
We provide current numbers for the biggest lotteries worldwide and all games from many countries!
Visual Lottery Analyser has options which allow you to update the game numbers automatically.
The software can update numbers when you are adding a new game or opening a game.

2.Add new numbers manually.

3.Search for numbers. Please see the Search Numbers topic for details.

4.Check filters how they perform on real lottery drawings.

5.Check if your numbers have ever won, how many winning numbers you have had and what is the financial balance.

6.Verify numbers integrity.

7.Export numbers to many external formats using our Print feature.


Lottery Numbers window has 3 major components:

1. A toolbar at top of the window with its buttons.
2. Lottery Numbers, below the toolbar, where selected game numbers are loaded.
3. Pane with tools on the right side of the window.


Please see below toolbar's commands or switch the pages in the software when you have the Show Help button checked.

Lottery Manager Home Page

Lottery Manager Edit Page


To update lottery numbers from our server, subscription to download numbers is required.


Online lottery drawings Updating service subscription costs $5 per year. The service is included free for the first year with a new license purchase.

Lottery numbers are updated on our server every one hour!

Although every effort is made to have the information accurate as much as possible, we cannot take the responsibility for 100% accuracy
Still, it is yours, the player's responsibility to keep up with the lottery numbers in order. and check whether they are correct or not.|

This feature, however, is not the final authority on winning numbers information. All winning numbers must be validated by your local Lottery Authority


Keyboard Keys

Add New Numbers - F8

Generate Sample lottery drawings - F12

Remove Selected - Ctrl+D

Remove All - Ctrl+Delete

Set Dates - F5Add New Numbers - F8

Generate Sample lottery drawings - F12

Remove Selected - Ctrl+D

Remove All - Ctrl+Delete

Set Dates - F5