Lottery Numbers Edit Page

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Delete Selected

Deletes selected numbers.


Delete All

Deletes all numbers.



Here you can validate whether the numbers are correct or not, see if lottery drawings dates are integral, have no missing numbers.
If any error occurs, then the rows with errors are highlighted in red color and the short description of the reason will be shown on the Status column.

This feature exists for the following reasons:

1.Our server, where software downloads numbers from, may experience some problems, for example due to some unexpected downtime.
In that case you can add numbers manually until we update the number to the current.

2.Some games may show some errors because of the game properties changes.
The official game properties may change at any time, if you see some errors when checking the numbers integrity it means it is time to update the game properties.


The software provides full lottery drawings history, old numbers are not removed from the database.
When official game properties have changed over time then the software will not work with old numbers.
The old numbers will cause the checking methods to show errors, to avoid those errors, there are some procedures that will exclude certain lottery drawings from checking.
Here are procedures for setting or removing exceptions from the integrity check:

Set Selected Date As Last Valid Date
When you click on this button then currently selected lottery drawings will be marked as the last valid date.
After that the software will not check your numbers history's integrity beyond this date.

Remove Valid Date Information
Removes previously set Last Valid Date information. After that the software again will check all numbers.

Set Numbers Exceptions
Instead of setting the Selected Date As Last Valid Date you can exclude only certain numbers from being marked as numbers with errors.
This could be useful for example, to mark some numbers that have valid dates, but are not drawn during holidays and this may cause the dates integrity error.

Remove Numbers Exceptions
Removes previously set Numbers Exceptions information. After that the software again will show any of numbers integrity errors, whether they are valid or not.


Show Filters Editor
Shows an advanced filters editor, using this tool you can filter the lottery numbers using complex criteria.
Please refer to Advanced Filter Editor for more information.

Clear from the numbers listing all errors or any other highlight posted by filters or check winnings tools.


Opens a Print window where you can print, email or export numbers to many external formats.