Tickets Generator - Options

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On the Options Page you can set following options




Tools pane docking position

You can move the tools pane to the left or right side of the window by selecting Right or Left option.

There is a fill option that causes the tool to fill the entire window, This option is useful when you want to use a tool in a full feature window.
You can achieve the same effect by clicking the full button at the top of the tools pane in the right corner when the pane's page is visible.

If you set this option to full, the tools pane will fill the entire window the next time you open this window.

Apply last workspace at startup

This option, if checked, will allow the previously used workspace to be opened and applied the next time you open this feature window


My Tickets

Load last tickets on startup
If this option is selected, the program will load the most recently used tickets the next time you open this feature window
Please note that tickets will only be loaded if they are intended for a currently open game


Save tickets automatically
If this options is checked then program will automatically create a new tickets collection and save generated tickets.

If not checked then anytime you click the Generate button all unsaved tickets will be lost and replaced with new ones.

In order to save the tickets you must click the Save button on Tickets Collection toolbar.

Confirm before delete tickets collection
If checked then program will ask you to confirm before you delete tickets


Load tickets on mouse selection
If this options is checked then program will load selected tickets automatically.


Open game when loading tickets
When you load tickets and the currently open game is not suitable for opened tickets, the corresponding ticket's game will be automatically opened

Separate Windows

Separate Windows are the pages from the navigation pane that can be opened within the main area of main feature window.
By checking or unchecking this options the pages can be moved to the main area and back to the navigation pane.
After you will have some of pages moved to the main window area you can further move them around the window as is described in Docking Windows topic.





Load last filters on startup
If this option is selected, the program will load the most recently used filters the next time you open this feature window
Please note that filters will only be loaded if they are intended for a currently open game


Confirm before delete filters
If checked then program will ask you to confirm before you delete filters.


Use selected filters to create tickets

If this option is checked, the tickets generator will use the selected filters when generating

if not, coupons will be generated without using a filter


Use default filters with One Click Analysis

If this option is checked, the program will use your default filters when performing the one step analysis.
Prior to using this option, you must have your filters set up at My Filters page of Tickets Generator, also you must set which filters are default.

You must select which filters are the default ones, you must do this even if you only have one set of filters for a given game

To mark which filters are default, select the filter with the mouse in the filter collection list and click the Set As Default button


One Click Analysis

Run one step analysis at startup
If checked the program will perform the One Step Analysis at the software startup.
Below are the additional options used by One Click Analysis:


Print to default printer

If checked then after the One Step Analysis finish creating tickets you can print them directly to your default printer

Please note you will not be asked to select printer, this is direct quick print.


Show tickets on window

If selected then after the One Step Analysis finish, you can see the created tickets on a Tickets Generator window
This is the default option, if not checked then the window will not open, the tickets may be printed instead, but they always are saved to your Tickets Collection


Send SMS with tickets

If checked then after the One Step Analysis finish, you can text tickets to your phone


Send an email with tickets

If checked then after the One Step Analysis finish working, you can send an email with tickets


If you want to use your own settings and server then additional options are required to set to have it working with text messages and email,

see the Email Setup topic how to set it up.



Quantity of tickets to create

Enter here how many tickets you want to generate .


Keno spot numbers

When you are creating tickets for a Keno game then this option becomes available.

Choose or enter how many numbers (spots) you want to play (from 5 to 10 usually)


Pick numbers distribution

You can choose the pick numbers distribution mode in which game numbers will be generated.

Choose it  from the drop down list. See the Pick Numbers Distribution topic for more information.

Attempts to successful ticket generation
Here you can set how many times the program will try to generate ticket using filters before potentially it will not be possible.
By default the program will attempt 100 times to try to generate the ticket, if happens that it will be impossible to generate ticket using given filter criteria then the ticket will not be generated.

Source of numbers for generating tickets
You can choose where to get the numbers for tickets from.

You can use one of the following sources of numbers:

Use all game numbers

All game numbers will be used to generate tickets.


Use own selected numbers

Select your numbers at Numbers Selector and respectively at Bonus Numbers Selector if a game has a separate bonus number.

To select a number just click on Ticket View with mouse, selected number will be circled in default yellow color.
To deselect a number simply click on it again.


Import from Notepad
If you were using Notepad then you can import all those numbers that were marked in Notepad as Yes.
If you have opened multiple instances of Notepad then the Notepad Selector window will be shown where from you can select from which Notepad import the numbers.


Automatic analysis

Tickets will be generated from numbers analyzed by our internal AI analysis.

Include numbers marked as Maybe from Notepad import
By default the option Import from Notepad imports only the numbers which are marked as Yes, by checking this option you can include also the numbers marked as Maybe.