Lottery Numbers Home Page

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My Games

Displays a My Games tool on the window. Here you can select a game card and see the game's numbers.


Add New Numbers

Displays Add New Numbers tool on the window. Using this tool, you can add numbers manually.


Filters Collection

Displays a Filters Collection tool on the window


Check Winnings

Displays a Check Winnings tool on the window



Displays an Options tool on the window.


You can also expand the pane with tools by clicking on the pane's tool title.
To hide the expanded tool, click on the pane's title again.





Click this button to load numbers from selected game
You do not need to use this command when you have the Automatically load numbers option is checked on Options page.
When you have the option checked then numbers will be loaded automatically after you select a game on My games page.

Also, to load numbers you can double click on a game logo.

Update Selected
Click on this button to update selected game numbers, software will download numbers from our server and update the selected game.
You can also on the options page set to have the numbers automatically updated upon game selection


Update All
Click on this button to update all games numbers, software will download numbers from our server and update all games.