Numerot Raportit

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Visual Lottery Analyser is a program that uses graphical visualization as much as possible to show and analyze lottery games.

The Numbers Report feature has some game numbers analysis and their summary as classic number's reports.

This feature uses software-wide Lottery Options ; Analysis Range Options to determine how many past lottery drawings are analyzed and how many tickets create.


The window has the following components




Occurrences of Numbers

Click this button to create the report of number's occurrences


Numbers Rank

Click this button to create the report of numbers ranks


Create Tickets
Creates tickets with most ranked numbers. You must first create Numbers Rank Report.

Tickets will be shown on Tickets Generator

Print Preview

Prints current report using Print Preview feature

Print Preview window where from you can print or export data to many external formats like PDF HTM TXT and more.


The following reports are available:

Occurrences of Numbers



Analyzes all game numbers and show its occurrences on the grid report:


This column shows all game ticket numbers and/or bonus numbers.

How many times the numbers were drawn


Types of Numbers Group

This group show how many times one numbers was drawn as one of the major number types
Contact, Outside , Hot, Cold , Odd, Even or Connected, Unconnected, Disconnected

This group shows the intervals between the numbers when they were drawn
Minimum is the shortest interval when numbers were drawn
Maximum is the longer interval when numbers were drawn

Average is the interval calculated when numbers were drawn in average


Last Date

Showing the date when the number was drawn last time


Last Period

Showing the numbers of days  when the number was drawn last time



Numbers Rank



Numbers are analyzed using the same engine that our One Step Analysis uses.

Numbers are shown on the grid from the most ranked to the least ranked.

Most ranked numbers mean they are more probable to occur.


Keyboard Keys



Create Occurrences Report -   Ctrl+F1

Create Ranks Report -   Ctrl+F2

Create Tickets F5

Print - Ctrl+P