Tickets Generator

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Visual Lottery Analyser picks the numbers to play based on a statistical analysis of previous numbers with the logic and ideas introduced by this program.
The base to generate the numbers are the latest lottery numbers and the latest game layout.

You can set this generator to create tickets using the following methods:

1.Use the Automatic Analysis option so you can take advantage of the knowledge described in the Visual Analysis Concept topic.

2.Use it as a simple random number's generator.

3.Use your own selected numbers or numbers imported from Lotto Notepad

4.Use our filtering system so you can create tickets according to your rules with our rules.
Filters can be applied to numbers generated by any of the methods described above.

Tickets Generator window has 3 major components:

1. A toolbar at top of the window with its buttons.
2. Tickets List, below the toolbar.
3. Pane with tools on the right side of the window.



Click this button to generate your tickets, It's quite simple and easy. Software is preconfigured to give you the best tickets out of the box.
The tickets are shown on the list below the toolbar.

Add Ticket

You can add a ticket manually and then enter your own numbers.


Tickets Collection

Displays a Tickets Collection tool on the window


Numbers Selector

Displays a Numbers Selector tool on the window

Filters Collection

Displays a Filters Collection tool on the window


Check Winnings

Displays a Check Winnings tool on the window



Displays an Options tool on the window


You can also expand the pane with tools by clicking on the pane's tool title.
To hide the expanded tool, click on the pane's title again.



Delete Selected Tickets

Delete selected tickets from the tickets list.


Delete All

Delete all tickets from the tickets list.




Quick Print

Prints tickets directly to your default printer, this action is a quick print, you will not be asked to select printer etc.



Opens a Print Preview window where you can print and export tickets to many external formats.



Send a text message with tickets to a phone number.


Send an email with tickets.


When texting or sending an email with tickets, by default your email program will be opened with generated numbers.
Software supplies a way to send text or email directly using your internet provider, in order to do so you must configure this feature in the software general options.





Manages layouts of controls in the window as one global workspace. Workspaces can be saved and restored



When you select any ticket on the Tickets List then its numbers will be shown in the main Ticket View found on the left side of the main software window.

The numbers will be shown as X with default green color, the color may be changed in the software general options.


The process of generating tickets may take a while to finish, usually it takes no longer than a few seconds.

However, it may happen that the task cannot be completed quickly if you use filters.
Sometimes the filters cannot match the actual game's criteria or filter condition cannot be fulfilled.

In that case, please review the filters properties and start over.
When you use filters, filter which did not pas its criteria and conditions will be highlighted on the Filters List with the red color.


Keyboard Keys

Generate - F5

Add Ticket - F6

Delete Selected Tickets - Ctrl+D

Delete All Tickets - Ctrl+Delete

Print - Ctrl+P

Quick Print - Alt+P

Send Email - Ctrl+E

Send Text (SMS) - Ctrl+T