Connected & Unconnected & Disconnected Numbers

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In the Ticket View topic, we presented how we can view games as graphical representation of game numbers.

Here is another game analysis concept.


What would happen if we drew the horizontal and vertical lines through a game lottery draw all numbers?

Look at the picture below. The lines are drawn through the numbers



In the result the game is divided into 3 group on numbers:

Connected Numbers

First group of numbers are named Connected numbers, these are numbers that are on the lines whenever the lines cross each other.
In the picture above the numbers are 1,2,5,6,8,9,12,13,22,23,26,27,43,44,47,48.

Here in the picture below all Connected numbers are in red and yellow.
Red, are game lottery draw numbers and they are also connected numbers, the yellow, are numbers at the crossroads of the lines.




Unconnected Numbers


The second type of numbers are named Unconnected numbers.

These numbers also lie on the lines we draw but they are not at the crossroads of the drawn lines.
Our example numbers are 3,4,7,10,11,14,15 to 21,24,25,28,29 to 42,45,46,49

See in the picture below where all unconnected numbers are in gray.



Disconnected Numbers


The third type of numbers are named Disconnected numbers.

These numbers do not lie on the lines we draw. They are kind of like the Outside numbers, not connected to any game number.
Our example numbers are 17,18,21,31,32,35,38,39,42

See the picture below where all disconnected numbers are in brown.




You can turn off colors for certain groups of numbers in Ticket View window menu.
Unlike contact and outside numbers, these types of numbers described here, they always create a rectangular field on the ticket view.


Grid Numbers Choosing Guide


Here are other examples of bad numbers choosing:

In the example above, even though the numbers 1 11 23 39 42 49 (circled numbers) are as any other numbers, unfortunately in this sample all of them are unconnected type of numbers
It could be to many numbers of them, in this game these types of numbers are mixed and it is not so often that all of them are drawn as unconnected numbers only




In the example above, even though the numbers 2 6 17 19 37 47 (circled numbers) are as any other numbers, unfortunately in this sample all of them are connected type of numbers
Same like with unconnected numbers, it could be to many numbers of them, in this game the type of numbers are mixed, and it is not so often that all of them are drawn as connect numbers only
Most of the lottery drawings have some connected and some unconnected drawn.




In the example above, even though the numbers 20 22 25 29 32 35 (circled numbers) are as any other numbers, unfortunately in this sample most of them are disconnected type of numbers
It could be too many numbers of them, in this game the type it is rare that most of new drawn numbers are disconnected numbers
Almost in every game the total number of disconnected numbers are less than the other types.
In some games like Pick game, they do not exist, and in the Keno game the count of them is very low. So, this rule may apply in different way to different games.
In games where bonus number is drawn, is opposite, disconnected numbers are in majority and connected are not.
However, the principle is the same, always choose numbers proportionally to their concurrences on the ticket


Please also read Analysis Base topic how to recognize the new number type.