Contact & Outside Numbers

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The topic Ticket View Introduction concluded that a lottery game is like a graphical box of numbers.

In this topic we will describe the Contact & Outside numbers

Each number drawn in a game (red) placed on a Ticket View has its own surrounding field of other numbers.

All numbers that lie within this field we will call them the Contact numbers.


To visually show those Contact numbers we will show them on our Ticket View with different color.
In our sample picture the Contact numbers are in light blue, they are the numbers that surrounds number 11.


As you see in picture below: 3,4,5,10,11,12,17,18,19 are the Contact numbers.

Please note that the lottery draw number (11) itself is a Contact number too.




Here is the Ticket View with all game numbers and their surrounding contact numbers.
All of the rest of ticket's numbers are just the Outside numbers.
This way, the entire game is always divided into two different groups of numbers: Contact & Outside numbers.





Here is the  sample picture of  Pick 4 game



Contact & Outside Numbers Choosing Guide

In majority of game lottery drawings, and in almost every game, there is an unequal distribution of these numbers.

For example, in game 6/49 we may have like 2 contact numbers drawn and 4 outside, or 3 contact and 3 outside etc.

You can check it out how the numbers are drawn using Visual Analyser and its Types Of Numbers section.

Here is the example of bad numbers choosing:

All numbers in the ticket above are the outside type numbers only (circled in green). It is very rare that a new lottery draw contains only outside numbers.


Here is another example of bad numbers choosing:
All numbers in the ticket above are contact type numbers only (circled in green). It is very rare that a new lottery draw contains only contact numbers.


Here are the good numbers:




Some of them are contact and some are outside type of numbers


Please also read Analysis Base topic how to recognize the new number type