My Filters

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Important: System combinations are filtered against the last game layout. The latest Ticket View.
The idea of filtering wheel system is to get best combinations out of the system that will serve as your tickets.

Please also read Analysis Base topic.


My Filters is a tool where you can use filters to filter game numbers or wheel system combinations.

My Filters page has the following components


1.Filters Collection on the top side of page where the collection of your filters is stored.

2.Filters Grid on the bottom side of page where the single filters from selected filters collection are loaded.
For more detailed information about filters, please click the filters grid's row or on a filters grid column's header.


Filters Collection

Filters Collection is grouped by the game name. Each game may have many different filters collections.
The first column shows the date when filters collection was created.
The column Description is a place where you can enter your own description and replace the program description.

All commands in the order from left:


This command creates a new empty filters collection. The default single filters are also created and shown below on a Filters List.



Deletes selected filters collection with all its filters.


Delete All
Deletes all filters from your collection. This will clear your whole collection.


Set As Default

Sets the selected game filters collection as a default filter which will be used by One Step Analysis to filter generated ticket.
This button is visible only on Tickets Generator window


Apply Filters

Applies filters to the real game's lottery numbers, this is a powerful feature which lets you evaluate your filters against the real game numbers, to see how your filters perform.
Any game numbers that will not pass the filters criteria will be rejected and highlighted in red.
You can adjust your filters in that way so you will see less game numbers highlighted in red.
Please note:
There must be a balance in game numbers filtering, when you set up, too strict criteria then you will see more game numbers rejected,
If you see a lot of game numbers rejected, that means your filters criteria must be adjusted.
Set more flexible criteria, and you will see less rejected numbers. With the flexible criteria, the chances are higher, that the numbers you choose, will be in the pool of drawn numbers.

This button is visible only on Lottery Numbers window


 Filters Grid

Here are single filters loaded from selected filters collection, here you can set the filters criteria and conditions
The grid has the following columns:


Check box, if selected then the selected filter will be used, and numbers will be filtered by it.



Name of the filter, this is not editable field.



Here you can set various values for filter, the value and the type of value depends on the filter type.



Here you can choose what kind of action is taken when filter's condition is met.
You can accept or reject generated numbers or wheel system combinations.
For more detailed description please refer to Filter Action topic



Filter conditions you can apply to meet the filter Value option criteria or only the filter Action option.

You can select a filter condition from drop down list that will open when you click on a column cell.
For more detailed description please refer to Filter Conditions topic


Filters Grid has a pop-up menu which can be shown when you click right mouse button hovering over a group of filters

The pop-up menu has the following commands:

Select All

Sets all filters to use in all groups,


Deselect All

Sets all filters to not use in all groups,


Select All In Group

Sets all filters to use in a selected group


Deselect All In Group

Sets all filters to not use in a selected group