Filter Conditions

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Filters may be used to filter game numbers, wheel system combinations or to create ticket numbers, we will refer to those numbers as the source numbers.

Filter's numbers is an expression we use here to describe in general the filter's numbers like Contact numbers or numbers from horizontal lines or any numbers coming from other group of numbers


Each filter has its own conditions that must be met. Condition option work along with the Value and Action options, and the result of the fitter depend on all combinations of these options


You can select a filter condition from drop down list that will open when you click on a condition's column cell.
Here we describe in general what conditions are, the following conditions are available:


Any Number

This is very flexible condition to use because allows approve or reject source numbers with some flexibility.

This condition does not depend on the Value option

If the Action is Reject

Source numbers containing any filter's numbers are rejected

if the Action is Accept

Source numbers containing any filter's numbers are accepted


Equals Filter Value

This condition does depend on the Value option

If the Action is Reject

Source numbers matching exact number of filter's numbers are rejected

if the Action is Accept

Source numbers matching exact number are accepted


Higher of filter value

This condition does depend on the Value option

If the Action is Reject

Source numbers containing more of filter's numbers than the number set at Value option are rejected

if the Action is Accept

Source numbers containing more of filter's numbers than the number set at Value option are approved


Lower of filter value

This condition does depend on the Value option

If the Action is Reject

Source numbers containing less of filter's numbers than the number set at Value option are rejected

if the Action is Accept

Source numbers containing less of filter's numbers than the number set at Value option are accepted