Numbers Replacement

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Numbers Replacement is a tool designed to replace original wheel system numbers with your own.
This page has the following parts

1.Toolbar at the top of the page with buttons

2.Replacement Numbers grid on the left side below the toolbar

3.Numbers Selector on the right side below the toolbar

The following commands are found on the page's toolbar


Turn On

Turning on the number's replacement session, you must start the session so software will enter this work mode.
After you turn on the Replacement Numbers grid is filled with the numbers and then you can start to replace the numbers



This button will reset all the changes and restore the system numbers to default.


The two last buttons let you import numbers from other sources instead of your manual choosing.



Imports numbers from active Lottery Notepad to Replacement Numbers grid.
Please note that only the numbers that you have marked as 'Yes' are imported.
The imported numbers will be sorted and fill the Replacement Numbers Grid in order from lower to higher number.

Automatic Analysis

Imports numbers from One Step Analysis, the game will be analyzed and imported numbers fill the Replacement Numbers grid in order from highest to lower ranked number.


Replacement Numbers Grid

This grid has two columns:
Here are in order original system numbers.


Here are numbers you replaced with corresponding original numbers.


Numbers Selector

Here you can choose with mouse your own numbers.

To select a number just click on Ticket View's number with mouse, selected number will be circled with the default yellow color.
Original number selected on the Replacement Numbers Grid will be replaced in the wheel system with number you choose.