Hot & Cold Numbers

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All game numbers may be analyzed by the group of numbers that are drawn recently in a game and those which were not.

Very often you hear about Hot & Cold numbers, those types of numbers are widely used in many lottery programs.
The definition of what are Hot and what are Cold numbers however vary from program to program.
Basically, in our program  Hot numbers are all the numbers that were drawn recently (last few lottery drawings)
Cold numbers are the numbers that were not drawn in recent couple of past lottery drawings.

Our program uses its own algorithm to determine which are hot and which ones are cold numbers.

To show on a Ticket View which numbers are Hot and which are Cold we of course use colors.
The numbers in white color are the Hot numbers and the black ones are Cold numbers.




The count of Cold and Hot numbers vary from lottery draw to lottery draw.


Hot & Cold Numbers Choosing Guide


In majority of game lottery drawings, and in almost every game, there is an unequal distribution of these numbers.

For example, in game 6/49 we may have like 2 hot numbers drawn and 4 cold, or 3 hot and 3 cold etc.

You can check it out how the numbers are drawn using Visual Analyser and its Types Of Numbers section.

Here is the example of bad numbers choosing:

All numbers in the ticket above are the hot type numbers only (circled in yellow). It is very rare that a new lottery draw contains only hot numbers.


Here is another example of bad numbers choosing:
All numbers in the ticket above are cold type numbers only (circled in yellow). It is very rare that a new lottery draw contains only cold numbers.


Here are the good numbers:




Some of them are hot type and some are cold type of numbers


Please also read Analysis Base topic how to recognize the new number type.