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On the Options Page you can set following options


Separate Windows



Separate Windows (Janelas separadas) são as páginas do painel de navegação que podem ser abertas na área principal da janela do Lottery Numbers Manager.
Ao marcar ou desmarcar essas opções, as páginas podem ser movidas para a área principal e de volta para o painel de navegação.
Depois que algumas páginas forem movidas para a área principal da janela, você poderá movê-las ainda mais pela janela, conforme descrito no  tópico Docking Windows .



My Games




When adding a new game from World Games to My Games or opening a game, you have the option to download the latest numbers associated with that game.
This feature ensures that you have up-to-date information for the game you're adding. The feature connects to our server to fetch the most recent data for the game.

Here are two options that use automatic numbers download:

Download latest numbers when adding a game

If this options is checked then program will download the latest lottery numbers and update your numbers automatically.

If not checked a sample numbers are generated and then you must replace them later with the real ones.
To replace the numbers, you can download them later using Lottery Numbers Manager or click on Update Selected button found on My Game toolbar or game card.


Download latest numbers when opening a game

If this options is checked then program will download the latest lottery numbers and update your numbers automatically.
This will be done only when your current numbers are outdated.


To prevent accidental data loss, our software includes a confirmation prompt when you attempt to delete a game. This additional step ensures that you only remove games intentionally.
Here are two options:


Confirm before deleting a game

If checked then program will ask you to confirm before you delete a game from My Games


Confirm before deleting all games
If checked then program will ask you to confirm before you delete all games from My Games


Load last game at startup

If checked then the last used game will be loaded automatically back at the program startup.






Posição de encaixe do painel de ferramentas

Pode mover o painel de ferramentas para o lado esquerdo ou direito da janela seleccionando a opção Direita ou Esquerda.

Existe uma opção de preenchimento que faz com que a ferramenta preencha toda a janela. Esta opção é útil quando se pretende utilizar uma ferramenta numa janela de características completa.
Pode obter o mesmo efeito clicando no botão completo na parte superior do painel de ferramentas, no canto direito, quando a página do painel estiver visível.

Se definir esta opção como completo, o painel de ferramentas preencherá toda a janela da próxima vez que abrir esta janela.


Card alignment

Here you can set whether game cards are centered within the View or aligned to its specific edge.
Please select from option's drop down menu aliment type.

Card view mode

The following display modes you can set from option drop down menu:
Single Record        

A single game card is displayed at one time.


Games cards are arranged in a single row.


Games cards are arranged in a single column.

Multi Row        

Games cards are arranged in multiple rows.


Multi Column        

Games cards are arranged in multiple columns.



Games cards are arranged in an ellipse using a transparency effect.


World database row height
You can change the height of rows in World Games Database page, in the result you will have bigger games icons.


Aplicar o último espaço de trabalho no arranque

Esta opção, se estiver selecionada, permitirá que o espaço de trabalho utilizado anteriormente  seja aberto e aplicado na próxima vez que abrir a janela desta funcionalidade