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Here you can set the ftp server connection data. Properties set here will be used to connect to an ftp server, upload and download database backup files

Host address



The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) host address refers to the address of the server where the FTP service is running.
FTP clients use this address to connect to the server and transfer files. The host address typically consists of an IP address or a domain name.
For example, an FTP host address might look like:

IP address:

Domain name: ftp.example.com


When you want to connect to an FTP server, you need to use the appropriate host address along with your credentials (username and password) to establish a connection and transfer files between your local machine and the server.

You must enter here an ftp server addresses, IP address is not supported, please make sure that the server address you entered here matches the backup folder property set at server connection page.

Server FTP folder



Optionally, enter the ftp folder here in server.
The "server ftp folder" typically refers to the directory or folder structure on the FTP server where files are stored and accessed.
For example ftp.example.com/httpdocs/files.
When you connect to an FTP server, you usually navigate through directories to find and transfer files.
The specific structure and naming conventions of the folders on an FTP server depend on how the server is configured and organized by its administrators. However, common folder names might include:

Root directory : This is the main directory where the FTP server stores its files. It's often the starting point when you connect to the server.

User directories : Some FTP servers create separate directories for each user to store their files. These directories might be named after the usernames of the users.

Public folders : These are directories accessible to multiple users or the public. They might contain shared files or resources.

Special directories : Some FTP servers have special directories for specific purposes, such as logs, backups, or system files.
When accessing an FTP server, you usually navigate through these folders using FTP client software like FileZilla, WinSCP, or the command-line FTP client. You need appropriate permissions and credentials to access and modify files within these folders, depending on the server's configuration and security settings.


If you do not specify the folder then the main ftp server root folder is used.





Enter your username to connect to server
The "server ftp user name" refers to the username or login credentials required to access an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. This username is used along with a corresponding password to authenticate and establish a connection to the FTP server.
The FTP server administrator typically assigns or creates usernames for users who are authorized to access the server. Each user account has its own unique username and password combination, which is used to authenticate and control access to files and directories on the server.





The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) password, also known as the FTP login password, is a confidential piece of information used along with a username to authenticate and access an FTP server. This password is typically set by the server administrator or the user when creating an FTP account.


Connection to server timeout

Enter here the timeout in millisecond, default is 10000, 10 seconds.

A timeout is typically expressed in seconds, representing the duration the client will wait for a response from the server before considering the connection attempt unsuccessful.
Timeout settings can vary depending on the software or protocol you're using. For example, in many FTP clients, you might find settings for connection timeout, data transfer timeout, etc. When troubleshooting connection timeouts, you might need to adjust these timeout settings based on your specific requirements and network conditions. Common timeout values might range from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the application and network environment.
For instance, a typical connection timeout for FTP might be around 30 seconds by default, but this can be adjusted according to your needs.
Similarly, data transfer timeouts might be set to a different value, depending on the size and nature of the data being transferred.
It's important to strike a balance between allowing enough time for the server to respond and minimizing the delay experienced by users due to timeouts. Adjusting timeout settings often involves finding the optimal balance for your specific use case and network environment.

Connection to server timeout is a common error message encountered when attempting to connect to a server, including FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers. 
This error indicates that the client's attempt to establish a connection with the server was timed out before a successful connection could be established.





Enter here port number to your server.
The default port number for FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is 21. This port is used for the control connection between the FTP client and server.
However, FTP also involves data transfer, and the way data is transferred can vary. In active mode FTP, the client initiates a connection to the server on port 21 for control information, and then the server initiates a connection back to the client for data transfer on a dynamically assigned port. In passive mode FTP, the client initiates both the control connection and the data connection.
In passive mode, the server typically listens on a range of ports for incoming data connections. This range is configurable on the server and can vary depending on the FTP server software being used. The server informs the client of the port it will be listening on for data transfer.
Therefore, in addition to port 21, there can be a range of ports used for data transfer in FTP, especially in passive mode. The configuration of these ports depends on the FTP server settings and can be adjusted as needed for security and operational purposes.