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All game numbers may be grouped into certain blocks of numbers, and those blocks can be analyzed as well.


Blocks of Numbers

Groups of numbers that are very often used to analyze games are blocks of 10 numbers. To create those blocks of numbers just divide all game numbers by 10:

Group 1 = ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) All numbers from 1 to 10

Group 2 = ( 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20) All numbers from 11 to 20 and so on..


In picture below you may see circled in green color example of block 1.

Circled in yellow color is block 2, in red color block 3 and so on.




Blocks Choosing Guide


In majority of game lottery drawings, and in almost every game, there is an unequal distribution of numbers in certain blocks of numbers.

You can check out how the numbers are drawn using Visual Analyser and its Blocks & Similar Groups sections.

Here is the example of possible not so good numbers choosing:

Most of numbers in the ticket above are in the block of numbers from 1 to 10. They also can be in the blocks of numbers from 11 to 20 or 21 to 30 etc.
However, most of the lottery drawings have numbers scattered over the ticket view, but this is not a strict analysis rule, and everything is possible here.


Please also read Analysis Base topic how to recognize the new number type