Systems - Generator Page

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The following commands are on the toolbar's Generator Page:

Generate Full Wheel System

Here you can generate a new full wheel system.
Generated system will be saved into My Systems at Systems Collection page

To generate a new full system please follows these steps:
1. Click the Set Properties button within this group
  On the right side of the window a System Properties page will open
2. Enter your system properties

3. Click the Generate button on toolbar to generate a new system.
Generating the full system may take some time, also this depends how fast is your computer and how much memory you have.



Click this button to cancel if you do not want to generate a new system


Generate Keyed Wheel System

Here you can generate a new keyed wheel system.
Generated system will be saved into My Systems at Systems Collection page

To generate a new keyed system please follows these steps:
1. Click the Set Properties button within this group
  On the right side of the window a System Properties page will open
  Properties of currently loaded system are shown and are already modified to reflect the necessary changes.
2. A property named Keys have already 1 key, if you need to create more keys, change this property

3. Click the Generate button on toolbar to generate a new system.



Click this button to cancel if you do not want to create a new system



If you have the Load system after is generated option checked then newly generated systems can be loaded for viewing.


Keyboard Keys


Set Properties for Full Wheel System - Ctrl+F5

Generate Full System - Alt+F5

Set Properties for Keyed System - Ctrl+F6

Generate Keyed System - Alt+F6

Cancel Shift + Escape