Systems Collection

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Systems Collection is a database of our and your Wheel Systems and is divided into a two subpages:
Software Systems and My Systems. These pages look the same and have the same functionality.


Software Systems


Here is a list of all wheel systems that are included with our program, the database contains over 3100 systems!
These systems are read only, you cannot edit their numbers. You can use only Filters and Check Winnings tools with these systems
Our systems serve as a template. You can reuse any system for different purposes.
To use any system for editing purpose, you must copy our system to My Systems database and load it from there.


Load System

To load system just select the system on the list and click the Load button
You can also double click on a system name directly.
Furthermore, the system can be loaded just on mouse selection if you check the Load system on mouse selection option.

Copy To My Systems

Copies selected program's system to your My Systems database.


My Systems


Here is a list of your systems. You can copy here any of our systems, also generated systems will be stored here.
Only your systems loaded from this page can be edited and list of systems is editable too, you can edit certain system properties.


Load System

To load system to view or to use just select the system on the list and the click the button to load the system into a System Viewer
You can also double click on a system name directly. Furthermore, the system can be loaded just on mouse selection if you turn on the Show system listing on mouse click option.

Delete Selected

Deletes selected wheel systems from your My Systems database


Delete Group

Deletes selected whole group of wheel systems from your My Systems database
For example, you can select one system of 4X numbers and then all systems of 4X will be deleted


Delete All

Deletes all wheel systems from your My Systems database


Grid Elements

Wheel systems are shown on grid component, they are grouped on the grid by the Lottery Numbers (lottery drawings) value, but you can regroup them in any other way.

Grid contains couple of menus that are shown when you click the right mouse button over some grid elements like:
row with system information. group by box, column header.

The grid shows the following properties:


System Name

We are naming our systems in the following way:

Example: 4if4 6x 16 A


4if4 - Warranty of system. Guaranteed X-win if Y of the numbers drawn are in your pool of numbers.

6X - For how many game numbers the system is designated (?X)

16 - For how many numbers on a ticket (system range) the system is created

A - System type, A for abbreviated, F for full, K for keyed system and L for full Pick type system

Lottery Numbers
For how many numbers (lottery drawings) the system is designed for, this is the same number as numbers of lottery drawings in a game.


Numbers Range
How many numbers the system covers, like for example 4if4 6x 16 A is for 16 numbers.

 The wheel system determines how many numbers are covered in each combination and how they are distributed across the combinations. 
 Some wheel systems cover every possible combination within the selected number range, while others cover only a subset of combinations.

How many combinations system have


The system warranty, this is a term used for describing the minimal warranty of a Wheel system
Wheel systems are designed to guarantee a win if a certain number of winning numbers are drawn from the pool. 
These systems ensure that at least one winning combination is included in the set of tickets played.


For example:

3if3 (three if three) means:

Three winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 3 game numbers


3if4 (three if four) means:

Three winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 4 game numbers.


3if5 (three if five) means:

Three winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 5 game numbers.


4if6 (four if six) means:

Four winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 6 game numbers.


5if5 (five if five) means:

Five winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 5 game numbers.


5if6 (five if six) means:

Five winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 5 game numbers.


5if5 (five if five) means:

Five winning numbers guaranteed if system numbers will match at least 5 game numbers.



How many keys to add to generated keyed system
This property is only visible during keyed system setup.



The type of system, standard for lotto and keno or pick game.


A brief description of system


A long description of system



Keyboard Keys


Load Software System - Ctrl+L

Load My System - Shift+L

Copy To My Systems- Ctrl+M

Delete Selected Systems- Ctrl+Shift+D

Delete All Systems- Ctrl+Shift+Delete

Delete Group of Systems- Ctrl+Shift+G