Statistics & Winning Numbers Options

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On the Options Page you can set following options


Separate Windows

Separate Windows are the pages from the navigation pane that can be opened within the main area of main feature window.
By checking or unchecking this options the pages can be moved to the main area and back to the navigation pane.
After you will have some of pages moved to the main window area you can further move them around the window as is described in Docking Windows topic.




Tools pane docking position

You can move the tools pane to the left or right side of the window by selecting Right or Left option.

There is a fill option that causes the tool to fill the entire window, This option is useful when you want to use a tool in a full feature window.
You can achieve the same effect by clicking the full button at the top of the tools pane in the right corner when the pane's page is visible.

If you set this option to full, the tools pane will fill the entire window the next time you open this window.

Apply last workspace at startup

This option, if checked, will allow the previously used workspace to be opened and applied the next time you open this feature window