Filters may be used to filter game numbers, wheel system combinations or to create ticket numbers, we will refer to those numbers as the source numbers.
In a Pick game type, numbers with all kinds of consecutive numbers are the slant lines.
There are two filters that you can use
Pick All Slant Right
Here is example of numbers 3 4 5 which slants to the right
Pick All Slant Left1
Here is example of numbers 5 4 3 which slants to the left
How to set up the filters:
In User column check the check mark if you want to use this filter
No need to set the Value
By default the filter's Action is set to Accept, which will accept all source numbers which contains slant lines
When you set to Reject then all of them will be rejected.
There is no condition to set.
In a Pick 3 game there are exactly 8 combinations with right or left slant lines.
Slant lines are fever common numbers in the game; therefore they are drawn less.