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Automatic Mode Wizard

If this option is checked then at the next software startup Automatic Mode Wizard will be shown


Show startup screen

If checked then program will show a Startup Screen


Restore layout

If checked then the program will restore the following properties at startup:


The layout of docked windows.

Last selected items in various drop-down lists.

Width of data grid columns if applicable.


Check databases integrity

If checked then program will check the integrity and connectivity to all of its databases.
This option ensures that the software has no missing database files and can connect to database or server.
Please note that this option may take some time to execute, the time needed to perform the task depends on what kind of server you use.
If you use default software SQLite databases the process will be quick.

Other than that, databases such as MySql, Postgres or Microsoft SQL take while to connect to the server.
Not a considerable time but still, especially if server is on network.
If on the daily basis use of the program, everything is OK or you use only the default SQLite databases, then you may un-check this option.
This will speed up the software start in about couple of seconds.

Apply last workspace at startup

If checked, will allow the previously used workspace to be opened and applied the next time you start the software

This option applies only to the main software window, other features has their own workspace options