My Games

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My Games is a feature that lets you manage your games.
Here you can open a game to play with, add a new game, edit or remove games from your collection.


Before you can use the software you must to add a game from Games World Database to My Games first.

You can add a game using following ways:

Use a separate Games World Database feature which includes all supported games.

Use a toll from World Games page, to add a game simply select a game title and click the Add To My Games button.

Add your own game to My Games collection manually and edit the required game's properties directly using the main Game Properties page.


The window is divided into a three groups of controls:

Toolbar at the top where all the commands are found.

Games collection below the toolbar where your games are presented in a form of game card.
Here you can view the status of game's lottery numbers and directly update its numbers.

Tools navigation pane on the right side of the window with additional tools.



See My Games Home Page and My Games Edit Page topics for more information about all its command, or if you use the help from within software:
To see more help topics please select / change any page on the toolbar or on navigation pane on right side, also click on any game icon to learn more about game card.

Whenever you select a game then the game's properties will be shown on Game Properties page

Keyboard Keys

Open Game - Ctrl+O

Close Game - Ctrl+Q

Update Game Numbers - F6

Update All Games Numbers  - F7

Delete Selected Games - Ctrl+D

Remove All Games - Ctrl+Delete

Edit Numbers - Ctrl+L


Please note that when software interface element that is assigned with key, have no focus, then the shortcut may not work.