Game Numbers & Layout

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On this page you can set the game's number's properties and along with that the layout of the games ticket.
Here you update the game options in a case when a game officially changes its options and we did not release an updated software version yet,

Please note that current lottery results on our server are always up to date to reflect any official changes.


Game Numbers


Quantity of numbers picked in game

This option will be visible when editing a game of Lotto or Keno type:
Enter here how many numbers (balls) are drawn - picked in the game. For lottery games such as Lotto 6 out 49 it will be a 6 that you need to enter.  

Because in English language it is called a "lottery draw" but we must use different terms like numbers picked in a game etc. why?

Translation from lottery draw to other languages gives funny results, like painting on canvas for example instead of picking number in lottery


Quantity of numbers in game

This option will be visible when editing a game of Lotto or Keno type:
Enter here how many numbers the game have on the ticket. In other words, from how many numbers the balls are drawn.

For lottery games such as Lotto 5 out of 35 it will be a 35 that you need to enter.

Lines Horizontal & Lines Vertical

Set here how many lines the ticket should have to create a square you want. For example, for Lotto game where there are 49 numbers the ideal ticket square would be 7x7.


Bonus Numbers


Bonus in the same pool

This option will be visible when editing a game of Lotto type:
Some games have an additional bonus number drawn. It may be called a bonus, Powerball etc. The bonus numbers may be drawn from the same numbers pool or from other numbers range.
Here you may set whether the bonus numbers are drawn from the same numbers pool or not.


Quantity of bonus numbers picked in game

This option will be visible when editing a game of Lotto type:
Visual Lottery Analyser supports games with more than one bonus number. Enter here how many bonus numbers are drawn in your game.
Usually there is only one additional bonus number


Quantity of bonus numbers range in game

This option will be visible when editing a game of Lotto type:
Enter here how many bonus numbers are on the game ticket. In the other words, from how many numbers the bonus balls are drawn.
If the bonus number is drawn from the same pool then you do need to enter anything here.

Lines Bonus Horizontal & Lines Bonus Vertical

Same as above but sets values for games that have bonus number.

If a game does not have a bonus number you may skip these properties.

When you are entering values for lines then try to set appropriate values so that count on horizontal * vertical lines will cover or exceed the game numbers range.
Please note that in some games will not be possible to create an ideal square view of the game ticket.


Set the layout automatically

Select here whether you want to have the program set the layout options automatically based on the options above