Game Properties's Description Page

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On this page you can edit game descriptions and settings


To change game logo please click with left mouse button on the logo, which will set focus on a logo component, then click the right mouse button and a pop-up menu opens
You can paste a new image from Clipboard or load from disk etc. We advise to save the logo first to the disk and then using the Load command.
The software comes with some generic logos, not every state allows use their game logos without permission or do not allow to use the logos at all for commercial purpose.



The title of the game. To change it simply type new one into a cell.



You may enter here game description  



Link to the game's internet web page. You can open a web page by double clicking on a link.


Draw Method

Description about how game numbers are drawn, for example Mechanical Ball Machine or Computer Generated Numbers



The country of the game.


The state of country of the game, if necessary only.



The country's flag of the game, this is supplied by the software



Not regarding the country option.
Please note that changing the game's country may lead to unexpected software behavior.
The program sets various dates properties internally based on this option.
Also, changing this option will change the flag automatically to that default that comes with the software.

This option is provided mostly to use when you manually adding your own game.