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Zoom Print Preview In or Out


To zoom in a document, click the Zoom In  button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+PLUS SIGN.

To zoom out of a document, click the Zoom Out  button on the toolbar, or press CTRL+MINUS SIGN.

To zoom in or out of a document, you can also hold down CTRL and rotate the mouse wheel.


Use the Magnifier Tool

Use the Magnifier Tool  to switch between 100% and "fit whole page" views. Simply click anywhere in the document, to toggle views.


Zoom Print Preview by Entering a Zoom Factor

To zoom to a specific zoom factor, do one of the following.

Click the Zooming drop down list button. The following list will be invoked.


Choose one of the zoom factor presets.

You can manually enter any value into the Zooming box.

Zoom Print Preview to Show Whole Pages or Fit Content
To zoom to the page or text width, click the Zooming box. The following list will be invoked.


To zoom to the page width, click Page Width.

To zoom to the text width, click Text Width.


If the preview window will be resized later, the current zoom factor will also be changed, to fit the current page or text width.

Zoom Documents to Display Whole Pages

First, invoke the zooming drop down (see above).

To display one whole page at a time, click Whole Page.

To fit two pages into the current view, click Two Pages.


If the preview window will be resized later, the current zoom factor will be also changed in order to fit one or two pages.