Typer Av Tall

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These analysis methods analyze the occurrence of the main types of numbers.

De viktigste talltypene er:
Kontakt, utvendig , varm, kald , oddetall, partall , ikke tilkoblet, frakoblet .

Visual Analyser analyserer tall i alle mulige kombinasjoner med hverandre.
Bare for å minne deg på at hver spesielle talltype kan tegnes som en enkelt talltype eller i kombinasjon med andre typer.


For example if you want to see how much of Contacttype numbers were drawn, select from menu Occurrences of Contact numbers
The first diagram shows how the Contact numbers occurs in general


If numbers were not drawn as Contact numbers then a diagram will show a point in a row 0,
if numbers were drawn as Contact numbers then diagram will show a point in a row that indicates how many of Contact numbers were drawn.

The next diagrams will show analyzes of numbers that were drawn as selected number type and at the same time with combination with other type


Please see also Analysis Screen topic for more info on how to interpret diagrams.