Supported File Formats

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The Spreadsheet supports the following file formats to import and export data:


XLSX Microsoft Office Open XML format - the default file format starting with Microsoft Excel 2007.

XLSM Microsoft Office Open XML macro-enabled format (limited support - macros cannot be executed or modified).

XLSB Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 binary file format (BIFF12).

Microsoft Excel 97-2003 binary file format (import/export).
Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 binary file format (import only).
Microsoft Excel 2 Worksheets / BIFF2 binary file format (import only).

XLTX Microsoft Office Open XML template file.

XLTM Microsoft Office Open XML macro-enabled template file (limited support - macros cannot be executed or modified).

XLT Microsoft Excel 97-2003 template file.

XML XML Spreadsheet 2003 file format (limited support - pivot tables are not loaded or saved).

CSV Comma Separated Values - the plain text format that uses commas as separators between cell values.

TXT Tab Delimited Text - the plain text format that uses tab characters as separators between cell values.

PDF (export only) Portable Document Format.

HTML (export only) Web Page.