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The visual options of program grids can be set here.
The grids are used to show lottery numbers, wheel system combinations and numbers of generated tickets.


Background picture



Use background picture

If checked then all software grids will use a background picture.
You can selected a picture using the option below

Please note that all background picture options has no effect when
Force DirectX hardware acceleration option is checked.


Background picture

On the right side of this option click the Open button to open a dialog windows where from you can select an image file.

You can also type or paste a path to an image file directly on the cell. There are some path shortcuts allowed.

Background picture display mode
Here you can set how the image will be displayed within a grid background



The image is centered within the grid rectangle.


The image is stretched across the grid rectangle.


The image is tiled across the grid rectangle.


The image is enlarged within the control's client rectangle.


Background Picture Transparency



The alpha blending feature enables you to enhance the appearance of the grid background by painting its elements using transparency.

First you have to set a background picture an enable Use background picture property, next you can use a slider to set the transparency of the particular grid element.
Here you can set the transparency of group, odd and even grid rows and the background image in whole
When you move the slider to the left the grid element become more transparent and the picture is move visible.
Moving slider to the right causing picture less visible and grid element is more visible.




Use default font

If checked the grid will use the default software font as set in Default View options, otherwise you can set the different font below.


Font name

Sets the font for all software grids. To choose a font click on a row and select a font from a drop down list.

Also you can type the font name directly into a cell.


Font properties

Click that button to open a dialog window where from you can set the font style, size and set the font name as well.





The Grid can alternate background colors for its rows The Even Odd Style property controls how is this alternating applied. Set whether even-odd style is used or not.

Enable odd row appearance

Check this check mark to enable odd rows to be painted.
Enable even appearance

Check this check mark to enable even rows to be painted.


Show horizontal lines, Show vertical lines
Check it to enable or disable showing grid’s vertical and horizontal lines, these lines divide the grid's rows and columns.


Highlight found items in grids instead of filter

Some of software features has a grid to show the data, for example lottery numbers.

When you use CTRL+F keys then the grid can display a find panel that enables you to search for numbers in columns.
By default when you have this option unchecked the grid will filter the view and show only those rows which have the numbers you are searching for
If this option is checked then the grid will not filter rows but instead will only highlight the cells that have the data you are searching for

Changing this option requires software restart to take the effect.