Fenster Lottozahlen

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The Ticket View window shows all lottery numbers of currently opened games.
Window can be docked to the edge of other software windows or can be floating over the screen.

This window is opened by default on left side.
To control the visibility of this window, on main software toolbar,
please click on the tab Interface then from menu Numbers Visibility select desired window position.

You can also use Drag & Drop operation: place a mouse on the Ticket View's title bar, click left mouse button, hold, and drag window to desired position.


We use term 'lottery numbers' instead of 'lottery drawings'. However lottery drawings are an appropriate term in US
but for example, in other languages thew word draw translates to something like draw something on the paper with a pen.

You cannot edit game numbers directly on window, to do so use Lottery Numbers feature.

Sample picture of Lottery Numbers page:




Am unteren Rand des Fensters befindet sich ein kleines Steuerelement mit einer kleinen Schaltfläche:


|<< Taste geht zur ersten Verlosung

<< Schaltfläche wechselt zur vorherigen Seite

<   Schaltfläche  wechselt zur vorherigen Zie hung

>   Schaltfläche wechselt zur nächsten  Ziehung

>> Schaltfläche wechselt zur nächsten Seite

>>| Schaltfläche geht zur letzten  Ziehung


Selected numbers are automatically shown on main Ticket View