Horizontal and Vertical Lines

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All game numbers may be analyzed by the numbers that are in horizontal and vertical lines of the ticket view.

Horizontal Lines

Here in the sample picture, you can see (circled in the yellow ) numbers that are in the first horizontal line of Ticket View.

Ticket View does have 7 horizontal lines and we show the first one only.





Vertical Lines

Here in the sample picture you see the numbers circled in the yellow, numbers that are on the first vertical line of Ticket View.

Ticket View does have 7 vertical lines and we show the first one only.




Lines Numbers Choosing Guide


Here is example of bad numbers choosing regarding numbers in horizontal lines

Even though the numbers 10 17 31 45 looks good on the paper, unfortunately in this sample they are on the same line
It is rare that a new lottery draw contains many numbers from one line only.
The same rule we can apply to vertical lines. This rule however may not apply to Keno games where 20 numbers are drawn and they are crowded on the ticket anyway.