Pregled Filtrov

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Lottery filters are strategies used to filter the numbers that meets the filtering criteria

Filtri se lahko uporabljajo za filtriranje številk iger, kombinacij sistemov koles ali za ustvarjanje številk srečk; te številke bomo imenovali izvorne številke.


Filters are available to use with Wheel Systems , Lottery Numbers and Tickets Generator features.


Our filters are divided into the following group of filters:
Types Of Numbers Filters



This group of filters is dedicated to work with all of our special  types of numbers like:
Contact, Outside , Hot, Cold , Odd, Even or Connected, Unconnected, Disconnected

Game Layout Filters



This group of filters is dedicated to work with game layout elements like:

Horizontal and Vertical Lines , Slant Lines , Blocks , Similar Groups , In Contact - Horizontal Lines , In Contact - Vertical Lines , Above First Number , Below last Number , Between Numbers


Numbers Filters



This group of filters is dedicated to work with game numbers like:

Last Numbers , Exclude Numbers , Include Numbers , Repeats or Consecutive Numbers  


Pick Distribution Filters



This group of filters is dedicated to work with special types of Pick game numbers like:

Pick Unmatched Numbers , Pick Pairs , Pick All The Same , Pick Slant Lines